Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sleepwalk. As good a place as any.

I wish I could tell you what this is, what it began from, and what it will become.  I can't.  All I have is a title: A Song At A Time.  What better song to start out this adventure than my favorite song of all time.  "Sleepwalk" was written by Santo and Johnny Farina, and released in August of 1959.  Musically it is simple.  Rhythm guitar, pedal steel guitar, bass and simple drums.  The chord progression is very standard for a 1950's ballad.  In the key of C major, the chords are I, vi, iv, V7.  If you are fan of Doo-Wop, girl groups or soul recordings by the likes of Sam Cooke, you very well know this progression, except for one small change.  The four chord is a minor (F minor).

This song has been with me for about 15 years, longer than I have been playing music.  Hard to believe now, but 15 years ago, I had no way of replaying this song.  I had to wait until the oldies station played it again.  I am sure at some point I caught it on one of my many cassette tapes, but I am sure I went months without hearing it.  I now personally  have eight different versions, always at my disposal on iTunes.  They are all well and good, but I still don't wear the song out.  I've lived without it for months at a time.  It sounds wonderful after a time without it.

Think of your favorite song.  Do you remember the first time you heard it?  Do you play it every day, or do you savor it?  Let me know what you think.

Listen to my cover to the left!